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2024-05-07 14:27:45
Computertaakjes (lab onderzoek), Vragenlijsten (lab onderzoek) | 30.00 Euro / 3.00 Psychology Research Credit
Intrusions of video games and negative films

Do you want to help us gain insights into what drives intrusive thoughts and memories? In this study we will examine people's intrusions of negative film clips and video games.


The study involves three in-person sessions (30 minutes to 1 hour each) on 3 consecutive days (24-hours apart) in a lab at the Roeterseiland (REC-L).

In the first experimental session you will fill out several questionnaires and become familiarized with two simple but very popular games, Tetris and Candy Crush. Thereafter, you will watch sets of videos (the videos contain quite graphic or scary scenes, which may be distressing to you!). After each set, we will ask you several questions. Then, in the second sessions you will perform a a computer task and play Tetris and Candy Crush. Finally, during the third and final session you will perform another computer task in the lab.

In between the lab sessions you will be required to record any intrusions (e.g., spontaneous flashbacks/ memories) concerning the films that you watched or video games that you played.

The whole procedure will take approximately 3 hours and you will be compensated with 3 RCs or 30 euros depending on your preference.


In order to take part, you need to be between 18 and 65 years of age and have a good understanding of English. You are NOT eligible to take part if: 

- You are currently receiving, or have recently received, treatment for post-traumatic stress symptoms, including medication, psychological therapy or counselling 

- You have a neurological illness (e.g., epilepsy) 

- You have significant visual or hearing impairments, or colour blindness 

- You are not in the possession of a smartphone

- You have blood phobia  

- You have recently (within the past 3 weeks) played Tetris or Candy Crush or were a habitual player in the past

- You are unwilling to stay of any video games for the 3 days of participating in the experiment (from the first session until the end of the third session).

Still interested? Simply complete a quick screening—it's under 5 minutes. If you are eligible, we'll contact you to schedule your session. Sign up now to get started!

For questions please send an email to l.vossoughi@uva.nl.
Soort onderzoek Computertaakjes (lab onderzoek), Vragenlijsten (lab onderzoek)
Vrije inloop Nee
Einddatum 2025-06-30 00:00:00
Duur van het onderzoek 180 minuten
Beloning 30.00 Euro / 3.00 Psychology Research Credit
Taal English Only

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2023-09-01 14:56:29
fMRI, Slaaponderzoek, Vragenlijsten (lab onderzoek) | 150.00 Euro
Beste geïnteresseerde,

Wij zijn op zoek naar mannen met ADHD en gezonde vrijwilligers (m) tussen de 18 en 20 jaar of tussen de 30 en 50 jaar, die mee willen werken aan wetenschappelijk onderzoek. Met het onderzoek willen wij de lange termijn effecten van ADHD medicatie op de hersenontwikkeling onderzoeken. Het betreft een onderzoek waarbij we uw hersenactiviteit meten in een MRI-scanner. De studie bestaat uit één onderzoeksdag op het AMC en een slaapstudie gedurende de week voor de onderzoeksdag.

Voor de slaapstudie in de week voor de onderzoeksdag vragen we u om 1 keer 5 dagen een polsbandje te dragen en een kort slaapdagboek in te vullen. Dit gebeurt gewoon bij u thuis.

De onderzoeksdag op het AMC duurt 6 uur en bestaat uit de volgende onderdelen:
- Vragenlijsten
- Neuropsychologisch onderzoek
- Eenmalige toediening methylfenidaat tabletten (Ritalin)
- 2 MRI scans (1x voor de medicatie en 1x na de medicatie)

Voor deelname aan het onderzoek krijgt u een vergoeding van €150,- en een reiskostenvergoeding.

Mocht u als vrijwilliger willen deelnemen dan kunt u contact opnemen met Zarah van der Pal, uitvoerend onderzoeker (tel: 06-23325193, epodstudy@amsterdamumc.nl).
Soort onderzoek fMRI, Slaaponderzoek, Vragenlijsten (lab onderzoek)
Vrije inloop Nee
Einddatum 2024-08-31 00:00:00
Duur van het onderzoek 420 minuten
Beloning 150.00 Euro
Taal Dutch Only

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2024-06-04 14:36:28
Eye-tracker, Computertaakjes (lab onderzoek), Vragenlijsten (lab onderzoek) | 20.00 Euro / 2.00 Psychology Research Credit
How do individuals perceive different advertisements of various brands of beer and soft drinks?

If you like to drink beer and cola at least occasionally, and would like to help us answer the above question, come participate in our study!

We are looking for participants that are:
• 18-35 years old
• Proficient in English
• Not color-blind
• Have normal, or corrected-to-normal (glasses/contacts) vision
• Are not pregnant or might be pregnant
• Have no alcohol in the body at the day of the study

This study consists of two parts. During the first part, as a part of screening, you will first fill out a few questionnaires online lasting approximately 10 minutes. Then you will be invited to schedule and continue the session in person, which will last approximately 1 hour and 10 minutes. The second part will be conducted a week later, fully online, and will last 10 minutes.

During the in-person session, you will see two videos on the screen playing at the same time. The videos will contain images of various brands of alcohol and soft-drinks. Your task will be to press the corresponding number to the probe that appears on top of the video using the keyboard. During this task, we will also track your eye movements. If your eyes cannot be tracked using our camera, you will have the opportunity to finish the task without it. The total duration of the task will be 40 minutes.

After the task, you will complete a taste test including cola and beers that contain alcohol. If you don’t like beer at all or do not like to drink, we advise to not participate. A total of 2 glasses of beer will be provided during this task, so the amount of alcohol will not extend legal limits. However, we still advise you not to drive or operate vehicles upon leaving the lab. Additionally, you will be asked to fill out multiple questionnaires enquiring about your mental well-being, some aspects of your lifestyle and alcohol use.

A week upon leaving the lab, you will be sent an email reminder to fill out additional short questionnaires online. The questionnaires will be similar to the ones used in the first session.

Besides the 1.5 research credit for the in-person part, you can receive additional 0.5 research credit or 5EUR if you complete both sets of questionnaires (the first screening set and the second set a week later).
Soort onderzoek Eye-tracker, Computertaakjes (lab onderzoek), Vragenlijsten (lab onderzoek)
Vrije inloop Nee
Einddatum 2024-08-30 00:00:00
Duur van het onderzoek 90 minuten
Beloning 20.00 Euro / 2.00 Psychology Research Credit
Taal English Only

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2024-05-23 13:06:50
Online onderzoek | 1.50 Psychology Research Credit
Uva recruitment: Online Research: Gender identity and Appearance

Do you want to help us gain more understanding of the mechanisms by which we express ourselves? Fill out our questionnaire!

Wil jij ons helpen meer te begrijpen over de manieren waarp wij onze identiteit uiten? Je kunt dit doen door onze vragenlijst in te vullen!
Soort onderzoek Online onderzoek
Vrije inloop Nee
Einddatum 2024-09-01 00:00:00
Duur van het onderzoek 40 minuten
Beloning 1.50 Psychology Research Credit
Taal Dutch or English

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2024-06-12 12:02:36
Online onderzoek | 0.50 Psychology Research Credit
Dear participant,

Please take this questionnaire to assess the face validity for an intercultural competency tool. In this study you will be given the definition of an intercultural competence. Afterwards, you are asked to indicate if, according to you, the statement belongs to the intercultural competence based on its definition. If you think the statement belongs, please indicate 'valid'; if you think the statement does not belong, please indicate 'invalid'. Moreover, you can switch between the statements and definitions making it possible to go back to the definitions of the intercultural competences.
This questionnaire will take around 10-15 minutes.
As a psychology student you will gain 0.5 Psychology RCs by participating in this study.

Thank you in advance
Soort onderzoek Online onderzoek
Vrije inloop Nee
Einddatum 2024-07-28 00:00:00
Duur van het onderzoek 15 minuten
Beloning 0.50 Psychology Research Credit
Taal Dutch or English

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2024-07-16 13:21:47
Online onderzoek | 1.00 Psychology Research Credit
Are you interested in testing your capability of color perception? This is the perfect opportunity to test how well you can do in color judgment and help us investigate the role of information seeking in change of mind.

This is an online experiment, and to participate, you must meet the following criteria.

- You are 16 years old or older.
- You have normal or correct-to-normal vision.
- You are not color blind.

As a participant, you will be asked to perform a simple task where you will be shown 8 circles with different colors, and your task is to indicate whether the average color of the eight elements was more blue or more red.

The study takes about 1 hour (60 minutes) to complete, and upon completion, you will receive one Research Credit (RC).

If you want to participate, click below, and you will be directed to the page of informed consent form and the link to the online experiment.

Thank you for contributing to our research.
Soort onderzoek Online onderzoek
Vrije inloop Nee
Einddatum 2024-12-21 00:00:00
Duur van het onderzoek 60 minuten
Beloning 1.00 Psychology Research Credit
Taal English Only

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2024-05-08 14:46:58
Eye-tracker, Computertaakjes (lab onderzoek) | 2.50 Psychology Research Credit
This study will take about 2.5 hours, including breaks. You will be rewarded 2.5 Psychology Research Credits for your participation (1 RC/h).
We will measure your eye movements using eye-tracking while you complete a study divided into three parts:

1. First, you will engage in an imagination exercise. You will follow audio instructions and answer related questions to assess your ability to use your imagination to create specific experiences.

2. In the next part, you will perform a task in which you are asked to identify the color in which words are written as quickly and accurately as you can.

3. Lastly, you will complete a computer task that assesses your introspective skills. You will move the mouse to hit a target while adjusting your movements for computer-generated deviations. After each movement, you are asked to detect whether a deviation was present and provide a confidence rating for the correctness of your response.

To participate in this study, you must meet the following criteria:

1. High English Proficiency (C1 level): Since this study will be conducted in English, it is essential that you have a high level of English proficiency. You should be able to clearly understand and follow audio instructions in the first part of the experiment and process English words at a near-native level in the color-naming task.
2. Normal or Corrected-to-Normal Vision: You should have normal vision or corrected-to-normal vision through the use of glasses or lenses.
3. Normal Color Vision: The color-naming task involves the processing of colors, so it is crucial that you have normal color vision and can perceive colors in a typical manner.
4. No diagnosis of dyslexia.
Soort onderzoek Eye-tracker, Computertaakjes (lab onderzoek)
Vrije inloop Nee
Einddatum 2025-05-01 00:00:00
Duur van het onderzoek 150 minuten
Beloning 2.50 Psychology Research Credit
Taal English Only

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2024-02-27 12:47:37
Online onderzoek | 3.00 Communication Science Research Credit
This study looks for participants who use at least two social media platforms (i.e., Facebook, Twitter, and/or Instagram) regularly, follow organizations (such as companies, public institutions, NGOs, news outlets, etc.), and are interested and willing to request their social media archives from two of the three mentioned social media platforms. You will receive detailed instructions on how to request your data - it is very easy and for free, and we will not store this data at any point in time. You are asked to bring your social media data (a file) in your own notebook, and we will visualize this data and ask you questions about your social media data and your motivations to use social media in the context of organizational content.

You will be first forwarded to a Qualtrics page where you get further information and instructions, and then we will contact you concerning the interview, which takes about 30 minutes and will take place in the BSL Lab at the University of Amsterdam, Roeterseiland campus.

You will receive 3 Research Credits after completing the interview.

If you have any questions, please contact the project manager, Dr. Sarah Marschlich, s.m.marschlich@uva.nl.
Soort onderzoek Online onderzoek
Vrije inloop Nee
Einddatum 2024-07-31 00:00:00
Duur van het onderzoek 140 minuten
Beloning 3.00 Communication Science Research Credit
Taal English Only

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2024-05-08 14:37:10
Online onderzoek | 0.50 Psychology Research Credit

Welcome to the IDA project!

We are interested in investigating the role of identity development in adolescents and how it relates to their mental health.

The duration of the study depends on your answers, taking between 5 to 20 minutes in total.

The study is open to students who are 16 years and older.

Your answers will be anonymized after we assign your 0.5 psychology research credits.

Thanks a lot in advance for your participation!
Soort onderzoek Online onderzoek
Vrije inloop Nee
Einddatum 2024-08-31 00:00:00
Duur van het onderzoek 30 minuten
Beloning 0.50 Psychology Research Credit
Taal Dutch or English

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2024-05-22 14:52:02
Online onderzoek | 0.50 Psychology Research Credit
Studenten Psychologie tussen de 18 en de 30 jaar kunnen deelnemen aan dit online onderzoek naar identiteitsontwikkeling en welzijn bij jongvolwassenen. Deelname is anoniem, duurt gemiddeld 30 minuten, kan emotioneel belastend zijn, en wordt beloond met 0.5 Psychologie Research Credit (RC). Bij vragen of opmerkingen kunnen deelnemers mailen naar a.bogaerts@uva.nl.
Soort onderzoek Online onderzoek
Vrije inloop Nee
Einddatum 2024-12-30 00:00:00
Duur van het onderzoek 30 minuten
Beloning 0.50 Psychology Research Credit
Taal Dutch Only

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2024-05-14 17:25:26
Online onderzoek | 1.50 Psychology Research Credit
How good are you at successfully making trades with strange planets? How good are you at ignoring distractions?

If you want to find out, come and join our study!

We are recruiting participants for an online study on cognitive performance and mental well-being. You can participate in this study if you:

- are between 16 and 35 years old;
- are not colour blind;
- have normal or corrected-to-normal vision;
- are fluent in English.

In this experiment, you will first complete a series of online tasks. These tasks involve making quick responses to stimuli presented on the screen, avoiding distractors and making choices. Then, you will complete a survey questionnaire on your recent behaviours and emotions.

On average, the study will take approximately 1.5 hours to complete.
In compensation for your participation, you will receive 0.5 Psychology Research Credit per 30 minutes (i.e, 1.5 research credit total)

Your personal information and responses will be kept confidential, and your participation will be greatly appreciated.
Soort onderzoek Online onderzoek
Vrije inloop Nee
Einddatum 2024-10-30 00:00:00
Duur van het onderzoek 90 minuten
Beloning 1.50 Psychology Research Credit
Taal English Only

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2023-03-02 12:35:14
Computertaakjes (lab onderzoek), Vragenlijsten (lab onderzoek) | 0.00 Psychology Research Credit
Wij zoeken naar deelnemers voor een onderzoek over hoe besluitvorming verandert tijdens adolescentie richting volwassenheid en hoe dit te zien is in de hersenactiviteit. De totale duur van deelname aan het onderzoek is 180 minuten, deels online en deels op locatie (op het Roeterseilandcampus).

Het onderzoek bestaat uit de volgende onderdelen:

- Een korte online screening
- Een online vragenlijst [30 min]
- Een gedragstaak in de fMRI-scan [60 min] (op locatie)
- Een aantal gedragstaken buiten de scan [60 min] (op locatie)

Daarnaast vragen we je een half uur van te voren aanwezig te zijn om de nodige formulieren in te vullen (deze tijd wordt meegenomen in de uitbetaling).

Je kunt deelnemen aan ons onderzoek als je:
- tussen de 12 en 18 jaar oud bent;
- rechtshandig bent;
- in Nederland opgegroeid bent;
- minimaal HAVO/VWO opleidingsniveau hebt;

Voor je deelname krijg je een geldbedrag van 40 euro + tot 6 euro bonus. Daarnaast krijg je een afbeelding van je brein.

Voor vragen kun je ons altijd mailen via socialbrain-fmg@uva.nl
Soort onderzoek Computertaakjes (lab onderzoek), Vragenlijsten (lab onderzoek)
Vrije inloop Nee
Einddatum 2024-12-31 00:00:00
Duur van het onderzoek 180 minuten
Beloning 0.00 Psychology Research Credit
Taal Dutch Only

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2024-06-12 13:10:59
Online onderzoek | 1.00 Psychology Research Credit
AI agents like ChatGPT seem to be getting smarter and smarter. In this experiment you will solve Bongard problems, the first kind of problem invented to test AI intelligence. It will take about 45 mins and you can receive 1 PSY experiment credit.

-----Nederlandse tekst-----

KI-systemen zoals ChatGPT lijken steeds slimmer te worden. In dit experiment ga je Bongard problemen oplossen. Dit is de eerste taak die ontwikkeld was om AI intelligentie te toetsen. Deze taak duurt 45 min en je krijgt hiervoor 1 PSY experiment credit.
Soort onderzoek Online onderzoek
Vrije inloop Nee
Einddatum 2024-08-01 00:00:00
Duur van het onderzoek 45 minuten
Beloning 1.00 Psychology Research Credit
Taal Dutch or English

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2024-04-24 13:19:33
Online onderzoek | 0.50 Psychology Research Credit
Join our study on Stress and Joy in Physical Activity!

Are you passionate about sports, or do you find yourself cringing at the mere thought? Whether you're a fitness fanatic or a self-proclaimed couch potato, we want to hear from you! Our study aims to look at the relationship between stress and joy in physical activity.

Interested in participating?
Participation is simple and convenient!
You can take part in our research wherever you want by completing an online questionnaire. The questionnaire takes approximately 30 minutes to complete. In exchange for your participation, you will receive 0.5 Psychology research credits!
Please note that you can only participate if you are above the age of 16.

Your participation is voluntary and your information details will be anonymous and confidential.

You can participate now by clicking the link below!
Soort onderzoek Online onderzoek
Vrije inloop Nee
Einddatum 2024-07-28 00:00:00
Duur van het onderzoek 30 minuten
Beloning 0.50 Psychology Research Credit
Taal English Only

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2024-07-02 13:34:34
Fysiologisch onderzoek, Eye-tracker, Computertaakjes (lab onderzoek), Vragenlijsten (lab onderzoek) | 10.00 Euro / 1.00 Psychology Research Credit
Are you interested in the intersection of AI and healthcare? We're conducting an interesting study to examine how people perceive health information from online sources. Your insights will be crucial in advancing AI and making it more trustworthy, relevant, and effective in healthcare contexts.

As a token of our appreciation, you can receive a compensation of 10 Euros or 1 psychology research credit points upon completion of your participation.

Your input is invaluable, and your participation will help us uncover important insights and shape the future of digital technology!
Soort onderzoek Fysiologisch onderzoek, Eye-tracker, Computertaakjes (lab onderzoek), Vragenlijsten (lab onderzoek)
Vrije inloop Nee
Einddatum 2024-11-01 00:00:00
Duur van het onderzoek 60 minuten
Beloning 10.00 Euro / 1.00 Psychology Research Credit
Taal Dutch or English

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2024-07-01 12:24:22
Vragenlijsten (lab onderzoek) | 15.00 Euro / 1.50 Psychology Research Credit
A Woman’s Agency

We are looking for female participants who would like to join focus group discussion on the topic of Muslim women and their perceived agency. How do we perceive others? And to what extent do we perceive others to be able to take charge of their lives?
We will discuss given material and our own experiences in small groups. Some of the topics discussed may be considered sensitive.

Looking for both MUSLIM and NON-MUSLIM participants.
16 years or older
Fluent in English


15 Euro OR 1.5 research credits


Muslim women can join the focus group on:
Thursday, 4th of July
Friday, 5th of July

Non-Muslim women can join the focus group on:
Thursday, 4th of July
Friday, 5th of July,

Please contact:

This study is completed as part of a Master’s thesis project, supervised by Dr. Bertjan Doosje.
Soort onderzoek Vragenlijsten (lab onderzoek)
Vrije inloop Nee
Einddatum 2024-10-31 00:00:00
Duur van het onderzoek 75 minuten
Beloning 15.00 Euro / 1.50 Psychology Research Credit
Taal English Only

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2024-06-12 13:52:14
Online onderzoek | 1.00 Psychology Research Credit
In this online questionnaire study, you will be exposed to 16 short news stories and answer a few questions about them. Completing the questionnaire takes 15-25 minutes, and you will be rewarded 1 psychology research credit for your efforts!
Soort onderzoek Online onderzoek
Vrije inloop Nee
Einddatum 2024-10-01 00:00:00
Duur van het onderzoek 40 minuten
Beloning 1.00 Psychology Research Credit
Taal English Only

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2024-02-28 15:12:55
Fysiologisch onderzoek, Computertaakjes (lab onderzoek), Vragenlijsten (lab onderzoek) | 112.50 Euro / 11.25 Psychology Research Credit
Do you want to get (back) in shape and receive a free subscription at the gym to get started? Participate in this study!

We're looking for healthy people between 16 - 30 years. You follow an 8-week exercise or yoga program and attend four paid laboratory sessions. Afterwards, you keep your gym subscription for an additional 4 months which gives you free access to individual and group (fitness or yoga) training. For the lab sessions, you receive 15 euro/1,5 credit per hour (=112,50 euro/11,25 credits for the total of 7,5 hours).

The exercise and yoga take place at the University Sports Center (USC), which has several locations in Amsterdam. The lab sessions are performed at the University of Amsterdam (Behavioural Science Lab).

Note that the sessions in the lab include viewing emotional images and hearing sounds that can be experienced as emotionally burdening. Also, electrical stimuli are used of which the strength will be determined on an individual basis. They are harmless but can be experienced as uncomfortable.

IMPORTANT. Are you interested in this study? Please first fill in the following screener to check if you are eligible. DO NOT SIGN UP FOR THIS STUDY ON THIS PAGE BEFORE HAVING FINISHED THE SCREENING PROCEDURE. This is because we cannot process your application without the information in the screener. Thank you for your understanding.


Do you have a question?
Please feel completely free to send us an email. We are happy to help: exercise-study-fmg@uva.nl
Soort onderzoek Fysiologisch onderzoek, Computertaakjes (lab onderzoek), Vragenlijsten (lab onderzoek)
Vrije inloop Nee
Einddatum 2025-01-01 00:00:00
Duur van het onderzoek 450 minuten
Beloning 112.50 Euro / 11.25 Psychology Research Credit
Taal English Only

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2024-03-20 22:24:08
Online onderzoek | 0.50 Psychology Research Credit
Let’s talk about SEX, baby!

Sex can be a very enjoyable activity, but when you think about it can involve some disgusting stuff. Yet we still do it!

If you’re above the age of 18, help us discover how sex and disgust are related by filling out this survey.

The survey will take no more than 25 minutes and you will be rewarded with 0.5 EC and fun facts about sex!

Of course you are free to stop at any time, but we really appreciate your input. And remember, you can only start the survey once and it is totally anonymous!

Soort onderzoek Online onderzoek
Vrije inloop Nee
Einddatum 2024-08-31 00:00:00
Duur van het onderzoek 25 minuten
Beloning 0.50 Psychology Research Credit
Taal English Only

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2024-05-14 15:54:34
Vragenlijsten (lab onderzoek) | 2.00 Communication Science Research Credit / 10.00 Euro
In this research project, we investigate how people communicate with social robots. If you decide to participate in this study, you will come to the lab twice to have a conversation with a social robot. When you’ve finished your conversation, we’ll ask you to answer some questions about your experiences during the conversation.

You can schedule the first appointment now. The second appointment will be scheduled at the end of the first one. Both appointments will take approximately 30 minutes and you will receive €5 or 1 Communication Science Research Credit (CSRC) per completed appointment. Thus, the total compensation for participation in the experiment will be either €10 or 2 CSRC.

You can participate in this study if you are 18 or older. The conversation with the robot and the questionnaire will both be in English.
Soort onderzoek Vragenlijsten (lab onderzoek)
Vrije inloop Nee
Einddatum 2024-08-31 00:00:00
Duur van het onderzoek 30 minuten
Beloning 2.00 Communication Science Research Credit / 10.00 Euro
Taal English Only

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2024-02-12 11:40:09
fMRI | 50.00 Euro / 5.00 Communication Science Research Credit
Het doel van dit onderzoek is om te begrijpen hoe mensen morele oordelen vellen in verschillende scenario's en hoe deze oordelen verschillen tussen contexten en populaties. Na een korte (15 minuten) online screening (https://uva.fra1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_0Pdhv9R8bPv2BLg) voer je drie verschillende taken uit terwijl je functionele magnetische resonantie beeldvorming (fMRI) ondergaat. Je mag alleen deelnemen als je geen beugel in je mond hebt. In de eerste taak krijg je korte zinnen in het Nederlands te zien en wordt je gevraagd om aan te geven hoe moreel fout je elk scenario vindt. Tijdens de tweede taak krijg je fotografische beelden uit de echte wereld te zien en krijg je de opdracht om te beoordelen of het beeld iets moreels of iets immoreels voorstelt. Tot slot krijg je in de derde taak drie korte nieuwsfragmenten te zien en wordt je gevraagd of je deze zou delen op sociale media.

Dit onderzoek duurt ongeveer 2 uur. De eerste taak (zinnen) duurt ongeveer 24 minuten, terwijl de tweede taak (afbeeldingen) ongeveer 36 minuten duurt. Ten slotte, duurt de derde taak (nieuwsfragmenten) ongeveer 5 minuten. Er zullen korte pauzes zijn binnen en tussen de taken, evenals een in- en uitstapprocedure.

Na deelname aan het onderzoek ontvangt u 50,- euro op uw bankrekening of 5 Research Credits (RC).
Soort onderzoek fMRI
Vrije inloop Nee
Einddatum 2024-07-31 00:00:00
Duur van het onderzoek 120 minuten
Beloning 50.00 Euro / 5.00 Communication Science Research Credit
Taal Dutch Only

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