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2024-09-30 16:35:18
Online onderzoek | 2.00 Psychology Research Credit
In this experiment we are interested in conscious or unconscious color associations that you (may or may not) have with letters of the alphabet, and how these associations might influence memory and perception.

This is a two-part experiment; each part lasts 1 hour and must be completed on separate days. To participate, you must be able to complete the second part of the experiment within three days of the first part. One day (24 hours) after you finish the first part, you will receive an email with a link to the second part.

For your participation, you will get a total of 2 Research Credits (1RC for each part of the experiment).
Soort onderzoek Online onderzoek
Vrije inloop Nee
Einddatum 2025-01-31 00:00:00
Duur van het onderzoek 120 minutes (2 sessions of 60 minutes each) minuten
Beloning 2.00 Psychology Research Credit
Taal English Only

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2024-05-07 14:27:45
Computertaakjes (lab onderzoek), Vragenlijsten (lab onderzoek) | 30.00 Euro / 3.00 Psychology Research Credit
Intrusions of video games and negative films

Do you want to help us gain insights into what drives intrusive thoughts and memories? In this study we will examine people's intrusions of negative film clips and video games.


The study involves three in-person sessions (30 minutes to 1 hour each) on 3 consecutive days (24-hours apart) in a lab at the Roeterseiland (REC-L).

In the first experimental session you will fill out several questionnaires and become familiarized with two simple but very popular games, Tetris and Candy Crush. Thereafter, you will watch sets of videos (the videos contain quite graphic or scary scenes, which may be distressing to you!). After each set, we will ask you several questions. Then, in the second sessions you will perform a a computer task and play Tetris and Candy Crush. Finally, during the third and final session you will perform another computer task in the lab.

In between the lab sessions you will be required to record any intrusions (e.g., spontaneous flashbacks/ memories) concerning the films that you watched or video games that you played.

The whole procedure will take approximately 3 hours and you will be compensated with 3 RCs or 30 euros depending on your preference.


In order to take part, you need to be between 18 and 65 years of age and have a good understanding of English. You are NOT eligible to take part if: 

- You are currently receiving, or have recently received, treatment for post-traumatic stress symptoms, including medication, psychological therapy or counselling 

- You have a neurological illness (e.g., epilepsy) 

- You have significant visual or hearing impairments, or colour blindness 

- You are not in the possession of a smartphone

- You have blood phobia  

- You have recently (within the past 3 weeks) played Tetris or Candy Crush or were a habitual player in the past

- You are unwilling to stay of any video games for the 3 days of participating in the experiment (from the first session until the end of the third session).

Still interested? Simply complete a quick screening—it's under 5 minutes. If you are eligible, we'll contact you to schedule your session. Sign up now to get started!

For questions please send an email to l.vossoughi@uva.nl.
Soort onderzoek Computertaakjes (lab onderzoek), Vragenlijsten (lab onderzoek)
Vrije inloop Nee
Einddatum 2025-06-30 00:00:00
Duur van het onderzoek 180 minuten
Beloning 30.00 Euro / 3.00 Psychology Research Credit
Taal English Only

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2023-03-02 12:35:14
Computertaakjes (lab onderzoek), Vragenlijsten (lab onderzoek) | 0.00 Psychology Research Credit
Wij zoeken naar deelnemers voor een onderzoek over hoe besluitvorming verandert tijdens adolescentie richting volwassenheid en hoe dit te zien is in de hersenactiviteit. De totale duur van deelname aan het onderzoek is 180 minuten, deels online en deels op locatie (op het Roeterseilandcampus).

Het onderzoek bestaat uit de volgende onderdelen:

- Een korte online screening
- Een online vragenlijst [30 min]
- Een gedragstaak in de fMRI-scan [60 min] (op locatie)
- Een aantal gedragstaken buiten de scan [60 min] (op locatie)

Daarnaast vragen we je een half uur van te voren aanwezig te zijn om de nodige formulieren in te vullen (deze tijd wordt meegenomen in de uitbetaling).

Je kunt deelnemen aan ons onderzoek als je:
- tussen de 12 en 18 jaar oud bent;
- rechtshandig bent;
- in Nederland opgegroeid bent;
- minimaal HAVO/VWO opleidingsniveau hebt;

Voor je deelname krijg je een geldbedrag van 40 euro + tot 6 euro bonus. Daarnaast krijg je een afbeelding van je brein.

Voor vragen kun je ons altijd mailen via socialbrain-fmg@uva.nl
Soort onderzoek Computertaakjes (lab onderzoek), Vragenlijsten (lab onderzoek)
Vrije inloop Nee
Einddatum 2024-12-31 00:00:00
Duur van het onderzoek 180 minuten
Beloning 0.00 Psychology Research Credit
Taal Dutch Only

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2024-09-27 11:34:47
Online onderzoek | 15.00 Euro / 3.00 Communication Science Research Credit
Do you intend to install TikTok in the near future? We are interested in your experiences during your first two weeks as a new TikTok user!

In this study, we ask you to install TikTok on your phone for 16 days. Every morning, you will complete a very short survey about your experiences via a research app (Avicenna). In addition, we ask you to upload screenshots of your TikTok screen time metrics, which can be found in the TikTok app.

Day 1 (today):
By clicking *participate* below, you will be redirected to a form including detailed information about the study procedure and an informed consent question. If you decide to participate, you are asked to install the research app Avicenna on your phone. Via the app, you will complete a short 5-minute entry survey. At the end of the entry survey, you are instructed to install TikTok with specific settings (e.g., to protect your privacy). We then ask you to use TikTok for at least 30 minutes. During the rest of the study period, you are free to use TikTok whenever you want.
Day 2 – 16:
Every morning at 8:00, you will receive a short 2-minute survey via the Avicenna app, to be completed preferably in the morning. The daily survey includes questions about your experiences with TikTok the day before, and we ask you to upload screenshots from your TikTok use metrics (time spent & number of times opened).
Day 16:
After the daily survey on day 16, you will receive a 5-minute exit survey in which we ask for your general reflections on the past two weeks. After completing the exit survey, you will receive your study reward and we will provide instructions on how to delete your TikTok account.

For participating in this study, you will receive 3 Communication Science Research Credits or 15 Euros. In order to receive payment or course credit, we expect you to follow the instructions and take part in all parts of the study. This includes the entry survey, the short mobile surveys once a day, and the exit survey. Participating in this study will take about 80 minutes in total (including the 30 minutes of TikTok use).

- You are 18 years or older
- You are currently not using TikTok or Douyin, and have not done so in the past 6 months.
- You already want to test TikTok anyway. This means you should not install TikTok solely for the purpose of this study.

The study will be conducted in English.
Soort onderzoek Online onderzoek
Vrije inloop Nee
Einddatum 2024-10-31 00:00:00
Duur van het onderzoek 80 minuten
Beloning 15.00 Euro / 3.00 Communication Science Research Credit
Taal English Only

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2024-05-14 17:25:26
Online onderzoek | 1.50 Psychology Research Credit
How good are you at successfully making trades with strange planets? How good are you at ignoring distractions?

If you want to find out, come and join our study!

We are recruiting participants for an online study on cognitive performance and mental well-being. You can participate in this study if you:

- are between 16 and 35 years old;
- are not colour blind;
- have normal or corrected-to-normal vision;
- are fluent in English.

In this experiment, you will first complete a series of online tasks. These tasks involve making quick responses to stimuli presented on the screen, avoiding distractors and making choices. Then, you will complete a survey questionnaire on your recent behaviours and emotions.

On average, the study will take approximately 1.5 hours to complete.
In compensation for your participation, you will receive 0.5 Psychology Research Credit per 30 minutes (i.e, 1.5 research credit total)

Your personal information and responses will be kept confidential, and your participation will be greatly appreciated.
Soort onderzoek Online onderzoek
Vrije inloop Nee
Einddatum 2024-10-30 00:00:00
Duur van het onderzoek 90 minuten
Beloning 1.50 Psychology Research Credit
Taal English Only

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2024-09-18 16:06:57
Online onderzoek | 0.50 Psychology Research Credit
Neem deel aan de studie Persoonlijkheid in Woorden en help onderzoekers inzicht te krijgen in de taal die mensen gebruiken om persoonlijkheid te beschrijven. U krijgt 0.5 psychologie research credit voor uw deelname.
Soort onderzoek Online onderzoek
Vrije inloop Nee
Einddatum 2024-12-01 00:00:00
Duur van het onderzoek 15 minuten
Beloning 0.50 Psychology Research Credit
Taal Dutch Only

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2024-09-26 10:29:05
Eye-tracker | 2.50 Euro / 0.50 Communication Science Research Credit
Participate in a Study on Instagram Influencers!
Are you a female student who uses Instagram at least once a week? We’re conducting an exciting study in our lab involving eye tracking to explore how Instagram influencers capture attention.
What’s in it for you?
Earn 0.5 research credits or 2.50 euros for just 15 minutes of your time!

Eligibility Requirements:
Female students only
Must use Instagram at least once a week
No heavy eyeliner during the study (you can apply it afterwards, we have a small mirror)
No history of eating disorders, epilepsy, cardiac pacemakers, or implantable cardioverter-defibrillators

Interested? Sign up now to be part of this fascinating research!
Soort onderzoek Eye-tracker
Vrije inloop Nee
Einddatum 2024-11-16 00:00:00
Duur van het onderzoek 15 minuten
Beloning 2.50 Euro / 0.50 Communication Science Research Credit
Taal English Only

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2024-09-30 15:29:49
fMRI, Computertaakjes (lab onderzoek) | 6.00 Psychology Research Credit / 60.00 Euro
Bent u neurodiverse of juist niet, en heeft u interesse in hoe de hersenen film verwerken? We zijn op zoek naar vrijwilligers!

Wie kan deelnemen:
• Volwassenen tussen 18 en 30 jaar
• Diagnose binnen het autisme spectrum
• OF: Geen diagnose binnen het autisme spectrum bij uzelf en in uw naaste familie (ouders, broers of zussen)
• Comfortabel met het ondergaan van fMRI
• Geïnteresseerd in het bekijken van verschillende filmfragmenten

Wat houdt het in:
• U vult een korte online vragenlijst in (onder 5 minuten)
• Als u aan de screeningcriteria voldoet, wordt u uitgenodigd voor een fMRI scan
• Tijdens de fMRI-scan ligt u in de scanner voor een uur en kijkt u naar verschillende filmfragmenten of rust u uit. Dit zal op drie verschillende momenten plaatsvinden, verspreid over verschillende weken. Meld u alleen aan als u van plan bent aan alle drie de sessies deel te nemen
• We vragen u ook om enkele computertaken uit te voeren. Dit gebeurt slechts één keer en duurt ongeveer een uur.

U ontvangt een vergoeding voor uw tijd voor de fMRI deel (6RC of €60 voor 4 uur). Verder kunt u helpen bij het bevorderen van onderzoek naar neurodiversiteit.

Uw veiligheid en comfort staan voorop. Alle aspecten van de studie zijn ontworpen om gastvrij en tegemoetkomend te zijn, voor een positieve ervaring.
Soort onderzoek fMRI, Computertaakjes (lab onderzoek)
Vrije inloop Nee
Einddatum 2025-10-01 00:00:00
Duur van het onderzoek 240 minuten
Beloning 6.00 Psychology Research Credit / 60.00 Euro
Taal Dutch Only

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2024-09-05 11:59:52
fMRI, Eye-tracker | 3.75 Psychology Research Credit
Solving puzzles for science

We are looking for students in higher education who would like to participate in an fMRI study that will examine brain activity and eye movements during puzzle solving (using fMRI and eye tracking). Participation will include a screening session and a separate fMRI scanning session, both at the Roeterseiland complex of the University of Amsterdam.

The study will consist of:
- Puzzle task inside the MRI scanner (includes eye tracking)
- Debriefing interview
- Puzzle task outside the MRI scanner

You can participate in this study if you:
- Are, or have been, a student in higher education
- Are between the ages of 18 and 30 years
- Have normal, or corrected to normal with contact lenses, vision (no glasses allowed, only contact lenses!)

2 hours and 15 minutes (Screening: 15 minutes; MRI scan: 1 hour and 15 minutes; break: 10 minutes; debriefing: 5 minutes; behavioral task: 30 minutes)

3.75 Psychology Research Credits
Roeterseiland Complex MRI lab
Soort onderzoek fMRI, Eye-tracker
Vrije inloop Nee
Einddatum 2024-12-30 00:00:00
Duur van het onderzoek 135 minuten
Beloning 3.75 Psychology Research Credit
Taal English Only

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2024-09-19 15:37:29
Online onderzoek | 0.00 Psychology Research Credit
Volunteers Needed
€22.50/2.25RC for 90 minutes

Are you interested in contributing to important research on how being alone affects cognitive processes? We are conducting a study that aims to better understand how being alone influences how we perceive faces.

Who Can Participate?
Adults aged 18-35
No serious medical conditions, or sensory impairments
Normal vision or wearing contact lenses

What’s Involved?
Complete an online survey
If eligible, come to the lab:
View images of faces while EEG and pupillometry data are recorded.
Complete questionnaires on mental health and wellbeing, and demographics.

Participants will receive compensation for their time, with full compensation provided upon completing the lab visit. You receive €22.50 or 2.25 Psychology Research Credits for 90 min.

For more information or questions on how to participate, please contact Dr Joe Bathelt at j.m.c.bathelt@uva.nl.
Soort onderzoek Online onderzoek
Vrije inloop Nee
Einddatum 2025-10-01 00:00:00
Duur van het onderzoek 10 minuten
Beloning 0.00 Psychology Research Credit
Taal English Only

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